Born in Athens Greece in 1986,I grew up in Belgium,finished the Greek lyceum of Brussels and entered the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens,Political science and public administration sector in 2004.Pursued my studies in I.EK Akmi Athens,Art of Photography and got EOPEP certified in 2017.
In the past 8 years I've been working full-time as a wedding/real estate photographer and since 2020 I occasionally do this till now.I am full into photography and in my free time I experience and shoot mostly urban landscapes, rural landscapes, street photography and I am attracted by the everyday life objects, peoples and scenes.Recently I shoot 50/50 film & digital and enjoying the procedure of scanning and make the necessary color correction on different stock of films both slide and negatives, and it is a real challenge, make a film look as naturally and close as it is by origin.
Official member of "Moments Collective" magazine,and have participated in various photography group exhibitions and international festivals and been distinguished in contests in Greece.Also have been chosen and featured several times in "Photographos" magazine,Greece in reader's gallery column.
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